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NICOLAS TRIANA DELGADO  (today, he is not in the group )

in my neighborhood ther are very large houses, but there is almost nearby stores also in the evenings there are are thieves.


in my neighborhood there is much public transport ; in my neighborhood there is a scohool there are two. in my neighborhood there are many good and others that are bad or not very social


in my neighborhood there are parks and green areas. there are also several buldings and roods. the most beatiful in my neighborhood is the view that has they have some houses as you can see almost the whole city.

in my neighborhood there is a catholic church and cristian .

and evangelica

bad im my neighborhood is that there are many people who are adicted to drink to drugs and also are thieves.

conflicts that live in households and street people give bad reputation.


UPZ 36 San José2

y la conforman

Country Sur, Gustavo Restrepo, Pijaos, San José Sur, San Luis Sur y Sosiego Sur.

san isidro sur :

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